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We will think and study to

make a better world.



In developing natural materials, we always put the environment and customers first. We were established in 2021 to contribute to the environment and society as well as to provide the value that customers want. We will always think from the customer's point of view and move forward as a companion company that fulfills what our customers want. Our first relationship is as a customer, but we will work together, become colleagues, and always work together for the best results.

All executives and employees of E&B Research Co., Ltd
  • 미션


    Environmentally Friendly E&B Research

    EN&B Research will develop and produce eco-friendly materials to make products of high value. In a world of progress, humans are moving away from nature. E&B Research will develop eco-friendly materials close to nature and make new materials considering the health of people and animals

  • 비전


    E&B Research Ahead of the Development of Beneficial Materials

    I encounter objects with various materials from the modern era. As a result, the demand for eco-friendly material development is steadily increasing, but the quality is not improving. ENB Research, which has a vision that developing materials close to life should benefit humans, will try to develop high-quality materials with honesty and accuracy.
